
Since 1995 Stichting NSZ is the representer of interested of student swimming in the Netherlands. At this time 15 student swimming associations are connected to Stichting NSZ, together they account for 1300 swimmers. We not only represent the interests of student swimming, but we also stimulate the contact between swimming students and improve student swimming in general. A few swimming competitions for students are being organized for example.

The Dutch Student Swimming Competition (NSZK)

The student swimming competition (Nederlandse Studenten ZwemKompetitie
(NSZK) in dutch) exists of four competitions and is suitable for swimmers who
are studying at HBO or university and who are member of a student swimming
association, connected to Stichting NSZ. There are currently 12 associations
battling for the title in the competition. Each associations organizes at least
once every three years an NSZK, so that each NSZK is in a different city. AN
NSZK-weekend starts with a predrink at friday night. The competition is on
saturday followed by a dinner. The weekend ends with a splashing party. NSZKs
are suitable for each level. Beginners who are swimming their first compitition
and people who are swimming at a national level participate in the same
competition. There are usually around 400 participants. Click here for more information.

The Open Dutch Championships

In collaboration with the dutch swimming federation (KNZB) the open dutch
championships for students (ONKS) are being organized every year. During these
championships people are competing to become the student swimming champion of
the Netherlands. Just like NSZK’s this event is being held in another city each
year and the weekend starts with a predrink at Friday night and ends with
dinner and a party at Saturday night (nothing is mandatory of course). This
competition is open for all HBO and university students. The only condition is
thath you have to be member of any swimming association. This isn’t necessarily
a student swimming association. In addition, foreign students can also attend,
for it being Open Championships. This students will not compete for the prizes.
Click here for more information.

NK Students Open Water

Since 2013, next to the championships in the pool, the Dutch Swimming
Championships Open Water are being organized. This competition takes place
during summer and is open for all HBO and university students. For the last few
years these championships are being organized in collaboration with the SPeedo
Swim-In in Leiden. The championships are swum in the canals of Leiden and the
weekend is being completed with a dinner and an activity, such as a pub crawl
or a speeddate in the city centre. Click here for more information.

Officials during student competitions

Student competition cannot be organized without officials. These valued volunteers make it possible that the competition runs according to the rules of the KNZB. Competitions are not possible without officials, so at the organization of each student competition there will be special attention to these officials. The student competitions are known amongst officials as well organized and very enjoyable and convivial. Are you an official and do you want to serve during a student competition? Sign up for the mailing list via the form below. You will receive an invitation for the next student competition 5 times a year. Do you want to become an official? Take a look at https://www.knzb.nl/vereniging__wedstrijdsport/wedstrijdsport/zwemmen/officials/ .

If you want to be an official during the NSZKs or ONKS, please sign up by emailing to bestuur@stichtingnsz.nl